If the player chooses ZAFT as the character's faction, the created character is automatically made a Coordinator. Coordinators have one of their Passive Skill slots permanently locked with the 'Coordinator' skill, but they may use all mobile suits without any penalties. Naturals have two freely customizable Passive Skill slots, but suffer a decrease in performance when using Coordinator-use mobile suits. If the player chooses Alliance, they are then given the choice to make the characters either Naturals or Coordinators. When creating characters for Story Mission mode, players are given the decision to make them pilots for either the Alliance or ZAFT. Gundam Battle Tactics Gundam Battle Tactics For Gundam Battle Universe on the PSP, GameFAQs has 1 FAQ (game guide/walkthrough), 35 cheat codes and secrets, 3 reviews, 1 critic review, 3 save games, and 11 user screenshots. In Universe Accel and Cosmic Drive, viewers get to create their own characters and live through the turbulent period. Home » Console-style RPG » Role-Playing » Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE: Cosmic Drive English Patched (JPN) Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE: Cosmic Drive English Patched (JPN). Gundam Battle Universe (J)(2CH) ROM / ISO Download for PSP - Rom Hustler Rom Hustler. Download Gundam Battle Universe (J)(2CH) ROM / ISO for PSP from Rom Hustler. Eng subbed gihren 39 s greed new game for psp youtube. 2009, Famitsu released gameplay screenshots of the PSP version, Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Next This article needs additional citations for. Gundam Assault Survive ISO (English Patched) Gundam Battle Royal Gundam Battle Tactics Gundam Battle Universe (Japan) Gundam Memories (Japan) Gundam Vs Gundam Next Plus (Japan) Gungnir Gurumin A Monstrous Adventure Hajime No Ippo Portable Victorious Spirits (Japan) Hakuoki Warriors Of The Shinsengumi Hal 21 Half Minute Hero.